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133 tracks from 2003 have been recommended.
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Black Cherry  performed by Goldfrapp  2003
Recommended by robert[o] [profile]

The title track from Goldfrapp�s second LP is everything pop music should be � sexy, glamorous, smart and weird - but rarely is these days. If their debut album was all about, in the duo�s own words, �Ennio Morricone and disco�, then the follow-up is all about disco and�Ennio Morricone � only wrapped in a shimmering gown early 1980�s inspired electronic textures. Electro-clash with heart and soul, a Madonna song with 170 I.Q., a tune for Milva to sing on Moonbase Alpha � I could go on and on�

from Black Cherry, available on CD (Mute)

  22 Nov 04 ·eftimihn: Excellent recommendation and great description. Unfortunately the only track off their sophomore effort that can moodwise hold up to such exquisite songs like "Pilots" or "Utopia" from their debut.
  23 Nov 04 ·robert[o]: I actually dig the second LP a great deal. Very disco/electro, (as opposed to Ennio), but really high quality disco/electro. (And simply delivering a "Felt Mountain" Part II would have been a bit dull - I think.) "Forever" and "Hairy Trees" are pretty darn exquisite, likewise.
  07 Dec 04 ·catfish: a beautiful track that simply melts into your ears. You get the impression that something very naughty is going on but never quite sure exactly what. Has Rachel Stevens ripped this band off or what?
  12 Jan 05 ·OneCharmingBastard: A sumptuous moment from one of this decade's most solid slabs of sound.
play crack the sky  performed by brand new  2003
Recommended by always_lazy [profile]

a superb acoustic song with great lyrics. It's so beautiful it brings tears to my eyes.

from deja entendu (razor & tie)

Life For Rent  performed by Dido  2003
Recommended by acidburn [profile]

from Life For Rent

Bring Me To Life  performed by Evanescence  2003
Recommended by acidburn [profile]

from Fallen

My Immortal (Band Version)  performed by Evanescence  2003
Recommended by acidburn [profile]

from Fallen

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