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64 tracks from 1972 have been recommended.
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The Magician’s Birthday  performed by Uriah Heep  1972
Recommended by Darke Soul [profile]

Title and final track from the awesome 1972 album. Very imaginative music. I think the song makes the biggest impact being heard after the rest of the album!

from The Magician's Birthday, available on CD

Prisencolinensinainciusol  performed by Adriano Celentano -  1972
Recommended by moondog [profile]

I canĀ“t remember the last time i was so instantly blown away by a tune as i heard this song by italian actor/singer Adriano Celentano. Prisencolinensinainciusol may sound a bit goofy to some ears but to these ears at least it sounds nearly as infectious as the first time i heard garra" by marcos valle.

Tom jones meets eminem meets bollywood in seventies italy would be one apt description of the tune. Go to; to see the amazing videoclip of the tune.

oh, and can anyone recommend anything similarly good by adriano ?

from Nostal Rock (CGD)

VJC  performed by Clifford Coulter  1972
Recommended by Festy [profile]

This is one of my all-time favourite tracks - most probably in my top-5 - and is a perfect example of what I understand "jazz-funk" to be. I came across it many years ago on a compilation put out by French label "Big Cheese Records". I hunted down the album it was from (not sure if it's been re-issued - or if it has, it hadn't been then) and was pleased to find that the whole album was strong with most songs carrying a similar vibe to VJC. Those that were different, were still great.

I'm not sure what VJC stands for. I wonder if it's the initials of someone close - his mother or another familiar member perhaps? Throughout many of the tracks, he seems to be playing a character with chatter between the tracks leading one into the other leaving.

from Do It Now - Worry About It Later (Impulse AS-9216)
available on CD - The Meltdown (Big Cheese Records)

Soul Love  performed by David Bowie  1972
Recommended by geezer [profile]

Only someone with the Eclectic curiosity of Bowie could conjure up a "rock smaba" it sways like the Girl from from Ipanema but bristles with a mod-ish cool and English edginess.

from Ziggy Stardust, available on CD

Slaughter   performed by Billy Preston  1972
Recommended by Goldtransam [profile]

rhythm and blues, rock, soul and funk. Just a fantastic song which really has to be listened to, rather than explained.

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